1. Sacrifice your love :
پدیدآورنده : L.O. Aranye Fradenburg.
کتابخانه: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
موضوع : Chaucer, Geoffrey,-1400-- Knowledge-- Psychology.,Chaucer, Geoffrey,m. 1400-- Et la psychologie.,Chaucer, Geoffrey,-1400.,Historicism in literature.,Literature and history-- England-- History-- To 1500.,Love in literature.,Poetry-- Psychological aspects.,Psychoanalysis and literature-- England.,Psychology in literature.,Amour dans la littérature.,Historicisme dans la littérature.,Littérature et histoire-- Angleterre-- Histoire-- Jusqu'à1500.,Poésie-- Aspect psychologique.,Psychanalyse et littérature-- Angleterre-- Histoire-- Jusqu'à 1500.,Psychologie dans la littérature.,Historicism in literature.,HISTORY-- Medieval.,Literature and history.,Love in literature.,Poetry-- Psychological aspects.,Psychoanalysis and literature.,Psychology in literature.,Psychology.,England., 7
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